• All books are warded against damage, but do handle them with care still!

  • Books cannot be loaned, but copies can be made on request.

The Weapons of Allag
An insight into the weaponry of the ancient Allagan empire and their conquest of the world at the time, especially their war with Meracydia and the dragons. Includes discussion about the Warring Triad and the ancient Summoners.
Written by a Mhachi scholar.
A book describing the start of the Magitek industrial revolution and the success of the Emperor Solus. Goes into the man’s sudden rise to power and ingenuity and how the Magitek was eventually used to bring two continents to heel.
Written by a Sharlayan scholar.
Speculations on the Age of the Gods
Historical author attempts to extrapolate on the nature of the Realm before the first era began and the earliest times of the Age of Man.
Written in the third era during the height of ancient theocracies.
Post-War: Rebuilding Empires
Describes mankind’s efforts to rebuild after the earthquakes that ended the Allagan era and the loss of technology.
Written by a miqo’te scholar-- a moon keeper-- from one of the clans enslaved by the Allagans. Provides valuable insight into a world post-civilization ending calamity.
Lies My Instructors Told Me
A somewhat controversial history book on the subject of the loss of information over time due to calamities and how much knowledge has henceforth been muddled or is otherwise unavailable.
Written by an early Sharlayan scholar about common myths and misunderstandings about each of the eras.
Artifacts of the First Era
An Allagan era record on the subject of magical or cursed relics from the first era before the calamities. Includes speculations on their origins and an emphasis on their potential for use, should they ever be recovered.
Nymian Hymns
A book of hymns in Nymian script, dated roughly to shortly before the Calamity of Water. The cover bears a mountain scene with the symbol of Oschon; the pages hold colorful illustrations along the borders.
Donated by K'ohtar Welun
an untranslated book
The cover of this book is of thin blue stone, held with a battered piece of leather bearing the symbol of the Spinner. The script within its pages is vaguely phosphorescent. Estimated to be from the 4th era.
Donated by K'ohtar Welun

  • All displays are warded against damage - please do not touch, however!

Statuette of Halone
A pristine mythrite idol of the Fury, the tip of her spear decorated with garnet chips.
Statuette of Nophica
An ivory idol of the Matron, with her spring leaf symbol rendered in flecks of amber at the base. Her arms and hands are positioned as if to hold something - likely her traditional scythe.
Mhachi Coffin
A faithful replica of a coffin discovered in the Void Ark. Please do not attempt to lay down inside the display.
Amdapori Dice
In a case of velvet sit five silver dice, with intricate vinework filigree around the borders of each face. On the 'six' is the crest of Amdapor.
Donated by K'ohtar Welun
Dravainian Statuettes
A set of small stone idols, each carved in the images of various dragons.
2nd Era Vase
Pottery that bears depiction of religion in the 2nd Astral era; one of few pieces that survived from that ancient age.
Crystalline Artwork, found in the Sagolii
Perched on an intricately wrought stand resembling a tiny candelabra is a crystalline egg of a translucent blue. Rendered within is a diorama of a floating city over an ocean, its architecture vaguely Ishgardian, vaguely Ul'dahn. A pinprick flock of seagulls soars within, and peering close, one can see delicate artwork of tiny, tiny people going about their lives on the walkways and on floating ships.
Donated by K'ohtar Welun
Nymian Brushes
A set of paint brushes in a case, found in a submerged Nymian shipwreck; despite the salt-crust exterior, the interior of the case shows no sign of saltwater damage.
Artistic Replicas
Various replicas and artistic depictions, including:
- the Crystal Tower
- a wing of Shinryu
- the umbral and astral forces of the world
- an ixion horn

The Seerstone
This artifact comes from a time before the Dragonsong War. The Seerstones were created for mortal use for the purpose of remembering the lost and fallen. When touched, a Seerstone summons an illusion of a person that the user misses the most, in exact reflection of memory.
Only two Seerstones are known to exist. One was held on the Isle of Val, and with the island's disappearance is yet lost. The other was corrupted by Mhachi magicks, but found by the dragon Steingrimr and cleansed through the efforts of Moonshadows.It is currently in place at the Iron Feast. The archive display room holds a small replica.The Iron Feast
A grand coliseum in the Dravanian hinterlands. Before the Dragonsong War, dragons and mortals sparred in the Iron Feast for the entertainment of both, and participants enjoyed fame and fortune. This tradition was lost with the betrayal of Thordan, and the coliseum destroyed and left to ruin.
The dragon Steingrimr reached out to the Moonshadows Archive seeking to have the coliseum rebuilt so that it could serve as a sparring grounds for dragon and men once more. The Iron Feast now stands restored, the entryway guarded by a massive statue of a long-dead gladiator, Berenice Nadege. In her hand rests the Seerstone.

  • Small replicas and curios; all proceeds help to fund the archive!

  • ( no in-game gil required )

Drycloak -
Based on an early Ishgardian fascinator hat and made with whitefrost thread. This cloak, as name suggests, keeps the wearer entirely dry!
'Forever' Vase -
A design of early Allag. This vessel will preserve any flowers for thirty times as long as plain clay or glassware.
Succubus Cup -
Replicated from a Mhachi drinking vessel, this onyx cup is carved with depictions of intertwined voidsent. Any liquid poured within will turn into fine wine.
'Air'pin -
A silver hairpin encrusted with beadwork; when worn it clears smoke and impurities from the air within a yalm of the wearer. Based on a design from Gaug, an ancient city of Ivalice.
Rude Quill -
A quill enchanted to take dictation - however, buyer beware it will write unprompted obscenities within the passages. Proof that the ancient residents of Mhach were, as we are, people with a sense of humor.